The meeting of the Working Group of the State Commission for the regulation of entrepreneurial activity on July 9, 2024.
According to the agenda, the following topics were discussed:
1. Examination of the regulatory impact analysis of the draft law on the National Fund for the development of the system of normative documents in construction.
2. Examination of the draft law to amend the Insolvency Law no. 149/2012.
3. Examination of the draft law to amend Law no. 68/2013 on seeds.
4. Examination of the regulatory impact analysis of the draft Government Decision on the amendment of Government Decision no. 292/2017 for the approval of the Regulation on the manner of keeping the Wine Register of the Republic of Moldova.
5. Examination of the Decision of the ANRE Council regarding the approval of the Regulation on the imposition of public service obligations.
6. Examining the analysis of the regulatory impact on the draft ANRE Council Decision for the approval of the Norms for the arrangement of public lighting networks.
7. Examination of the Decision of the ANRE Council regarding the approval of the Methodology for determining the regulated price of natural gas stocks subject to the storage obligation.
8. Examination of the regulatory impact analysis of the draft ANRE Council Decision regarding the approval of the Electricity Networks Code regarding capacity allocation and congestion management.
9. Examination of the analysis of the regulatory impact on the draft Decision of the Board of Directors of ANRE regarding the approval of the Electricity Networks Code regarding the operation of the electricity transmission system.
10. Examination of the analysis of the regulatory impact on the draft Decision of the Board of Directors of ANRE regarding the approval of the long-term Electricity Networks Code.
11. Examination of the draft Decision of the Board of Directors of ANRE regarding the approval of the changes in the Methodology for calculating, approving and applying the regulated tariffs for auxiliary services provided by system operators in the electricity sector, approved by the Decision of the Board of Directors of ANRE no. 269/2018.
12. Examination of the draft Government Decision on the approval of the draft law on the control regime of trade in strategic goods.
13. Examination of the draft Government Decision regarding the approval of the draft law for the amendment of some normative acts (regarding the support measures granted to residents of free economic zones).