Organizational structure of the Association

General Assembly of the Association Members is the supreme governing body that establishes the main activities of the Association: decides in respect of adoption, completion or amendment of the Bylaw; examines and approves the annual budget and financial statements of the Association; elects and dismisses the members of the Board of Directors and the Internal Auditor of the Association, etc.

Board of Directors is the elective / collective management body of the Association, subordinated to the General Assembly of Members. The board prepares the development strategy and presents it for approval to the General Assembly of Members; ensures the enforcement of the decisions adopted by the General Assembly and presents annual activity reports; elects the President of the Association from among its members; agrees on the acceptance or exclusion of members; decides on the establishment, reorganization and liquidation of the subsidiaries of the Association, etc.

President of the Association is concurrently the President of the Board of Directors. The main responsibilities are: general management of the Association in the period between the meetings conducted by the board; represents without proxy the Association in issues related to property, within limits of competence provided by law and established in the Bylaw, as well as in relation with local and international organizations and institutions; prepares the activity Report of the Association and submits it to the Board of Directors and to the General Assembly of Members for approval, etc.

Vice-President of the Association, elected by the Board of Directors, exercises the rights and duties of the President of the Association in the absence thereof, and any other rights and duties delegated by the President.

Executive Director, appointed by the Board of Directors, is responsible for the organization of current activities of the Association, its subdivisions and ensures the enforcement of the decisions adopted by the Board of Directors; represents the Association in relations with public authorities and other natural persons and legal entities, in coordination with the President, etc.

Internal Auditor of the Association, elected by the General Assembly of Members, is responsible for the control over the economic and financial activity of the Association, analyses the compliance with the Association Bylaw, the enforcement of decisions of the General Assembly of Members and Board of Directors and presents conclusions to the Board of Directors and / or to the General Assembly of Members; controls the legality of the manner in which the financial means of the Association are used.


Executive Management



President of the Association

General Director of Efes Vitanta Moldova Brewery



Vice President of the Association

Strategy, Business Development & Regulatory Affairs Director of Orange Moldova 

Executive Team


Executive Director




Project Manager





Internal Auditor


Chief Financial Officer of ICS Draexlmaier Atomotive SRL