Wednesday 04 September, 2024

Start: Tuesday 03 September, 2024 - 14.00
Meeting of the Working Group of the State Commission for the Regulation of Entrepreneurial Activity
According to the Agenda, the following topics were examined:
- Examination of the substantiation note and the draft Government Decision on the periodic technical inspection of road vehicles.
- Examination of the substantiation note and the draft Government Decision on the identification of service providers (in the context of the provisions of Law no. 48/2023 on cybersecurity).
- Examination of the substantiation note and draft Government Decision on quality assurance in construction.
- Examination of the substantiation note and the draft Government Decision on the amendment of Government Decision no. 11/2024 on the approval of the Technical Regulation on textile fiber names and appropriate labeling and marking of the fiber composition of textile products.
- Preliminary examination of the substantiation note to the draft Law on safety norms and standards for passenger vessels.
- Preliminary examination of the substantiation note and the draft Government Decision on the approval of the Regulation on solid biofuel and repeal of Government Decision No. 1070/2013.
- Examination of the draft Government Decision for the approval of the draft Law on electricity.
FIA Moldova was represented by Inga Pascal, Project Manager FIA.