Tuesday 08 October, 2024

Start: Friday 04 October, 2024 -
On October 4, 2024, the Members of the National Dispute Resolution Council met in an ordinary meeting, chaired by Mrs. Lilia Dabija, Deputy Secretary General of the Government.
Among the main topics included on the agenda of the event were:
- Presentation of the Concept of the Program for strengthening the capacities of control bodies in the context of accession to the European Union (EU).
- Presentation of visions for strengthening the capacities of control bodies in the context of EU accession.
- Presentation of proposals regarding the amendment of Law no. 162/2023 on market surveillance and product compliance, in the context of the provisions of Law no. 131/2012 on state control and Regulation (EU) no. 2019/1020 on market surveillance and product conformity.
- Aspects of the provisions included in the draft Government Decision “on the modification of some Government Decisions (planning of state control)”.
FIA Moldova was represented by Inga Pascal, Project Manager.
#FIAMoldova #FIAMeetings #CNSD