Workshop “Gender Equality at the Workplace”

Thursday 23 January, 2025
Start: Thursday 23 January, 2025 -

📌 Gender equality at the workplace was the central theme of the workshop organized today by the Foreign Investors Association in Moldova (FIA), in partnership with the National Confederation of Employers of the Republic of Moldova and the Economic Council under the Prime Minister, with the support of the Confederation of Danish Industry – DI and financed by the New Democracy Fund.

🙋‍♀️ 📊 The event provided an essential platform to familiarize both FIA members and other participants with the existing regulatory framework in the field of ensuring equality between women and men, the contribution and support of ILO Moldova in ensuring gender equality at work, and specific tools and policies to prevent and combat harassment at work.

📝 In addition, Ana Groza, Executive Director of FIA, presented examples of good practices implemented within FIA member companies, which contribute to promoting a fair and inclusive work environment from a gender perspective.
FIAMoldova FIAMeetings GenderEquality WorkPlaceInclusion

Our Members

Foreign Investors Association (FIA) is a non-profit and apolitical association from the Republic of Moldova, founded in September 2003 by the largest companies with foreign capital in the country, covering the whole range of industries — agriculture, automotive and petroleum industry, telecommunications and IT, healthcare and pharmaceuticals, winemaking, distribution, insurance, banking, consultancy and audit.