Business Breakfast with Ms Victoria BELOUS, the Minister of Finance

Monday 20 January, 2025
Start: Monday 20 January, 2025 - 08.30

Today, the Foreign Investors Association in Moldova (FIA) organized the first Business Breakfast of the year 🍽️ with the participation of Mrs. Victoria BELOUS, the Minister of Finance 💼, and representatives from the business community 👥.

The event, moderated by Ana GROZA, CEO of FIA, provided a valuable opportunity for open discussions on essential topics 💬.

Among the issues addressed were fiscal facilities and energy policies⚡, the digitalization of fiscal processes 💻, changes regarding transfer pricing 📈, fiscal regulations for Transnistria 🌍, taxation of employee benefits💸, and the need for a predictable fiscal framework 🔍.

The event concluded with a constructive exchange of ideas🤝 and the remarks of the FIA President, Alphan AKPECE ✍️.

FIAMoldova FIAmeetings BusinessBreakfast MinistryOfFinance

Our Members

Foreign Investors Association (FIA) is a non-profit and apolitical association from the Republic of Moldova, founded in September 2003 by the largest companies with foreign capital in the country, covering the whole range of industries — agriculture, automotive and petroleum industry, telecommunications and IT, healthcare and pharmaceuticals, winemaking, distribution, insurance, banking, consultancy and audit.