♻️ The creation of the packaging deposit system was the subject of the workshop held on Friday, 18 October 2024, by the Ministry of Environment within the project “Capacity Building for the Establishment of the Packaging Deposit System administrator”, implemented with the support of the Lithuanian Environmental Project’s Management Agency, in partnership with the Association of Pro-Environment Experts.
🔂 The workshop provided participants the opportunity to familiarise with the draft Government Decision on the Establishment of the Packaging Deposit System, to see the experience of Lithuania and Romania with regard to the deposit return system, as well as to analyze and consult recommendations of the main stakeholders for the establishment of the given system.
The Association of Foreign Investors in Moldova (FIA) was represented by Inga Pascal, Project Manager, together with the members of the association concerned by the given topic.
FIAMoldova FIAmeetings Recycling CircularEconomy