Meeting of the Working Group of the State Commission for the Regulation of Entrepreneurship
According to the Agenda, the following topics were proposed for consideration to the members of the Working Group:
✅Examination of the draft law for the amendment of some normative acts (Law no. 135/2007 on limited liability companies, Law no. 171/2012 on the capital market),
✅Examination of the draft Government decision on amending and repealing certain normative acts (Government Decision no. 1276/2018 for approving the procedures on access to employment measures, Government Decision no. 894/2018 for approving the Methodology on employment control on the entrepreneurial activity based on the risk analysis in the control areas of the State Labor Inspectorate),
✅Examination of the analysis of the regulatory impact on the draft law for the amendment of some normative acts (Law no. 1585/1998 on the compulsory insurance of medical assistance, Law
no. 456/1993 on pharmaceutical activity, Law no. 102/2017 on medical devices),
✅Examination of the analysis of the regulatory impact on the draft law for the amendment of some normative acts (revision of the normative framework regarding non-discrimination and ensuring equality).
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