Today, FIA executive director, Mrs. Ana Groza, along with other colleagues from business associations, participated in the technical meeting on the platform of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister (Consiliul Economic pe lângă Prim-ministrul RM), organized jointly with the National Agency for Public Health (Agenția Națională pentru Sănătate Publică), with the purpose to discuss issues related to the implementation of the provisions of para. (5), art. 25 of Law no. 278/2007 on tobacco control.
The message sent to the authorities is that the private sector needs predictability and stability, especially in this period of crisis, but also the need to elaborate and establish clear rules and regulations, being prior consulted with the private sector.
The conclusion of the meeting is that Law no. 278/2007 on tobacco control is to be revised, in order to bring clarity in the process of its implementation, but also the need to grant a transition period to the business in order to comply exactly.