A new meeting of the Working Group of the State Commission for the Regulation of Entrepreneurship was held on 4th of July 2023.
According to the Agenda, following subjects were analyzed:
✅ Draft GD for the approval of the Regulation on waste disposal.
Author: Ministry of Environment
✅ Draft GD on the approval of the Sanitary Regulation on supervision and monitoring of drinking water quality.
Author: Ministry of Health
✅ The regulatory impact analysis of the draft GD on the approval of the Technical Regulation on crystal glass.
Author: Ministry of Economic Development and Digitization
✅ The regulatory impact analysis of the draft GD on the amendment of some GD in the field of legal metrology.
Author: Ministry of Economic Development and Digitization
✅The regulatory impact analysis to the draft GD on the approval of the draft law for the amendment of some normative acts.
Author: Ministry of Energy
✅The regulatory impact analysis to the draft GD on the approval of the Rules on certification of locomotive mechanics.
Author: Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development
✅ The regulatory impact analysis to the draft GD on the approval of the draft law on the State border of the Republic of Moldova.
Author: Ministry of Internal Affairs