Wednesday 17 May, 2023

Start: Tuesday 16 May, 2023 - 10.00
Regular informal meetings to ensure open communication with authorities and identify priorities for joint collaboration.
FIA members met on 16 May 2023 Mr. Petru Rotaru, Director of the State Tax Inspectorate (STI), for a business breakfast.
According to the Agenda, following subjects were tackled:
– STI plans and perspectives on the drafting of a New Tax Code,
– Cooperation between STI and local public authorities from the establishing local taxes’ perspectives,
– Presentation of structured and summarized information on local taxes applicable on the territory of the Republic of Moldova,
– Digitization of operations’ documentation: SIA e-invoice and transport trip sheet; tax residence certificate; certificate on lack of debts to the state budget; certificate of income tax withheld at source from non-resident income,
– Secondary legislation of the transfer pricing mechanism,
– Internal trade and combating unfair competition, and other topics.
Mr. Rotaru expressed his openness to constant cooperation with the business and mentioned the need to maintain a permanent dialogue between the authorities and the business community.
For their part, FIA members expressed their willingness to contribute, through their expertise and concrete proposals, to the improvement of the existing investment framework.