www.moldpres.md: Moldovan president, Foreign Investors Association discuss challenges faced by business environment
Chisinau, 14 April /MOLDPRES/ – President Maia Sandu today had an online meeting with the Foreign Investors Association (FIA). The participants in the event discussed problems faced by the business people from Moldova at present, the presidential press service has reported.
„A major concern of the business environment is the delay in the justice reform. In the lack of the latter, abuses continue, which pose a danger for developing business, for quality investments and for the creation of jobs. Abuses on behalf of control bodies were signaled, including in the fiscal one. Often, these controls are excessive and are lacking legal basis. The harassment of entrepreneurs is unacceptable and the control institutions must correctly enforce the legal norms. We will encourage the development of Moldova’s economy only in this way,’’ Maia Sandu said.
The participants in the discussion tackled also the populist parliamentary initiatives, such as some amendments to the budgetary and fiscal policy, which infringes the principle of free competition and hinders the development of entrepreneurship.
„We referred to the limitations and restrictions imposed by the pandemic situation, with the business environment being open for identifying fit solutions to overcome the pandemic as soon as possible, including by vaccinating the employees. The participants in the discussion encouraged our efforts to find vaccine for the citizens and backed the need to speed up the vaccination, in order to return to normal as soon as possible,’’ President Maia Sandu stressed.
The head of state reiterated that the business environment was important for Moldova not only as investor and generator of revenues, but also as creator of jobs here, at home. The Moldovan president and FIA agreed to continue the dialogue and work together for working out a plan on the post-Covid economic recovery.
source: https://www.moldpres.md/en/news/2021/04/14/21002802