A new meeting of the Working Group of the State Commission for the Regulation of Entrepreneurship was held on 4 October 2022.
According to the Agenda, following subjects were discussed:
Analysis of the regulatory impact to the draft Regulation setting requirements and administrative procedures for air traffic management and air navigation service providers.
Author: Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development
✅ Analysis of the regulatory impact to the draft GD on the amendment of some GDs (distribution of resources accumulated from the tax for ensuring aviation security).
Author: Ministry of Internal Affairs
✅ Analysis of the regulatory impact to the draft Law amending the Law no.279/2017 on consumer information on food products.
Author: Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry
✅ Draft GD on the amendment of GD No. 647/2014 on the implementation of the provisions of sections 27 first and 28 first of the Customs Code of the Republic of Moldova.
Author: Ministry of Finance
✅ Analysis of the regulatory impact to the draft GD amending the Regulation on the customs destinations provided by the Customs Code of the RM, approved by GD no.1140/2005.
Author: Ministry of Finance
✅ Draft GD amending the Regulation on the customs destinations provided by the Customs Code of the Republic of Moldova, approved by GD no.1140/2005.
Author: Ministry of Finance
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