State Commission for the Regulation of Entrepreneurship Meeting

Tuesday 03 May, 2022
Start: Tuesday 05 April, 2022 - 14:00

A new meeting of the Working Group of the State Commission for the Regulation of Entrepreneurship was held on 5 April 2022.

According to the Agenda, following subjects were discussed:

✅ Analysis of the regulatory impact on the draft GD regarding the approval of the Regulation on technical requirements and administrative procedures relating to air operations.
Author: Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development

✅ Analysis of the regulatory impact on the draft GD for the approval of the Nomenclature of paid services provided by the administrative authorities and institutions subordinated to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Author: Ministry of Internal Affairs

✅ Analysis of the regulatory impact on the draft GD for the approval of the Technical Regulation „General rules of fire protection in the Republic of Moldova” and the form of the declaration on the statement on fire protection status.
Author: Ministry of Internal Affairs

✅ Draft GD on palliative care services.
Author: Ministry of Health

✅Draft order of the Customs Service regarding the approval of the customs permit for unloading / loading / transhipment of goods.
Author: Customs Service

#FIAMoldova #FIAMeetings

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Foreign Investors Association (FIA) is a non-profit and apolitical association from the Republic of Moldova, founded in September 2003 by the largest companies with foreign capital in the country, covering the whole range of industries — agriculture, automotive and petroleum industry, telecommunications and IT, healthcare and pharmaceuticals, winemaking, distribution, insurance, banking, consultancy and audit.