On 17 June, the NBM Governor, the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Economy discussed with the representatives of the civil society regarding the inflation in the Republic of Moldova.
In this context, the analysis performed by the expert Alexandru Fală was presented, and the study is available here: https://www.expert-grup.org/ro/biblioteca/item/2344-infla%C8%9Bia-%C3%AEn-republica-moldova-cauze-grupurile-vulnerabile-%C8%99i-recomand%C4%83ri-de-politici?fbclid=IwAR37BR-xzCY1PTnW78Ryw6MdPH9KBkN_ZMMsSMnDCIZog4fmmqr91GIwF5Y
The event was organized by Expert Grup, in partnership with the Institute for Strategic Initiatives IPIS and the Soros Foundation Moldova.
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