The Report📜 on the evaluation of Law no. 139/2010 and the draft amendment in order to harmonize with EU directives and international treaties in the field of copyright and related rights was presented within the Roundtable in the field of copyright and related rights.
The report was prepared and presented by the European expert Irina-Lucan Arjoca, within the EU Project 🇪🇺 “Support for structured political dialogue, coordination of the implementation of the Association Agreement and improvement of the approximation process” and it contains following subjects:
✅Analysis of the local legal framework,
✅Provisions of the Directives of the European Parliament and Council on the harmonization of provisions relating to copyright and related rights applicable to satellite and cable broadcasting, legal protection, enforcement of intellectual property rights, closure and lending, certain copyright-related rights in the field of intellectual property, and others,
✅Recommendations, Conclusions.
The electronic version of the Report is available on the AGEPI website, following the link: http://agepi.gov.md/…/2021/03/IP_Gap_Assessment_ROM.pdf)