Roundtable: Automotive Sector in the Republic of Moldova

Monday 22 January, 2018
Start: Wednesday 24 January, 2018 - 9.30

On January 24th, FIA representatives participated at a roundtable on the subject: “Automotive Sector in the Republic of Moldova: achievements and challenges”.

The event was part of the project “Advocacy activities for the fortification of the automotive sector in Moldova”, a Local Subsidy Grant granted to EBA Moldova by GIZ Moldova. The meeting was organized with the support of Economic Council to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova.

The round table was attended by 35 participants, out of which, up to 20 companies, representatives from automotive sector. The event also involved representatives of various public authorities, namely Prime Minister Economic Council, the Customs Service, Tax Service, Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection, Ministry of Education and other relevant authorities.

Our Members

Foreign Investors Association (FIA) is a non-profit and apolitical association from the Republic of Moldova, founded in September 2003 by the largest companies with foreign capital in the country, covering the whole range of industries — agriculture, automotive and petroleum industry, telecommunications and IT, healthcare and pharmaceuticals, winemaking, distribution, insurance, banking, consultancy and audit.