📌FIA Moldova participated in the “Round table setting up the collaboration framework on available investment attraction tools”, organized by Invest Moldova.
The purpose of the meeting is to inform the participants and discuss the instruments for attracting investors, held by the Agency, as well as to present the Action Plan 2021. During the event, it was unanimously agreed on the need to improve inter-institutional dialogue and further capitalize on cooperation with stakeholders.
Briefly, about some of the Agency’s achievements for 2020:
🔷Initiation of 5 five investment projects,
🔷Attracting investments of over 30 million Euros,
🔷8 eight visits from potential investors,
Organization of 12 investment forums,
🔷Participation of over 200 foreign investors in B2B sessions,
🔷Elaboration of investment profiles,
🔷Development of the Investor’s Guide, and others.
#FIAMoldova #FIAmembers #FIAmeetings #InvestMoldova