Public consultations on the drafts of the National Development Plan for 2023-2025 and the Government Action Plan for 2023, on the DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION segment, organized by the Deputy Prime Minister for Digitization, Mr Iurie Turcanu and the e-Government Agency took place on 19 January.
The purpose of the public consultations was to present and consult with stakeholders the strategic vision and medium-term development objectives related to digitization, proposed for implementation in the near future perspective and until the end of 2023.
The recording of the event is available here: https://www.privesc.eu/Arhiva/101657/Consultari-publice-referitoare-la-proiectul-Planului-National-de-Dezvoltare-pentru-anii-2023-2025-si-al-Planului-de-activitate-a-Guvernului-pentru-anu?fbclid=IwAR3FDWfDDoLKwIuj1srqM4QxLB2VNBoj7hfMBk3cO6G9_50KZU1_e3FqZuk
The draft of the Action Plan: https://particip.gov.md/ro/document/stages/*/9997?fbclid=IwAR1PihpFTla7Tnnq6OpqBvcmsNOmgqOL_qJ4YH50jAgMVD7qkFiVgfcXkZU