On April 4, the FIA Executive Directorate participated in the event to present the results of the assessment of the degree of implementation of the recommendations of the policy notes developed within the “Partnerships for women’s leadership and good governance” project, implemented by the “Friedrich Ebert” Foundation Moldova and AO Institutum Virtutes Civilis.
With the support of the project, six analytical notes focused on the following topics were developed:
✅”Access to financial resources for women who launch or manage businesses in the Republic of Moldova”,
✅”Women in the field of science and research”,
✅”Transposition mechanisms of Directive 2010/41/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of July 7, 2010 regarding the application of the principle of equal treatment between men and women who carry out an independent activity”,
✅”Concerning the mechanisms of transposition into the legislation of the Republic of Moldova of Council Directive 2004/113/EU of December 13, 2004 on the application of the principle of equal treatment between women and men regarding access to goods and services and the provision of goods and services”,
✅”Reflections on the degree of integration of the gender dimension within the national development strategy Moldova European 2030″ and
✅”Elements of unfairness in establishing the minimum pension in the Republic of Moldova”.