The parliament has approved the amendments to the Law no. 180-XVI of July 10, 2008 on Labor Migration, an initiative of the business community, discussed with the other stakeholders – the National Confederation of Employers of the Republic of Moldova (CNPM), National Trade Union of Moldova, Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family, and others.
By amending Law no. 180, the state aims to facilitate the attraction of foreign investments in the Moldovan economy. Thus, with the entry into force of the law, migrant workers will get easier the right of residence and employment in our country.
Among other things, the draft law ensures that the work and residence permits are obtained easier for highly qualified foreign workers, posted workers, senior management, employees of the list of investors of national importance and workers, whose job is found on the list of priority occupations for the labor market in Moldova.
Following the Prime Minister’s decision, experts from the Prime Minister’s Economic Council Secretariat and members of Working Group 3 “Stimulating and Maintaining Private Investments” within the Economic Council started the process of collecting informations on the issues and subsequently propose to the Government solutions for amending the Law no. 180-XVI of July 10, 2008.
The document passed the Government on 24 May 2017, and on 20 July 2017 it was voted in Parliament. For the entry into force, the document must be promulgated by the Head of State.
Source: consecon.gov.md