At the meeting of the National Commission for Consultations and Collective Bargaining dated 3 October, Ms Ana Groza presented subject 2 on the Agenda: “Regarding tax deductions for facultative health insurance for employees”. The initiative was supported by the majority of the Commission members, thus it was agreed to convene a technical meeting on the platform of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Moldova in order to discuss this proposal in detail.
In addition, Ms Groza requested the possibility for private employers to be able to support their employees during the cold period of the year by granting a one-off, non-taxable material aid based on the principle of non-discrimination (identically to the allowances to be granted to employees in the budgetary system).
Another important issue, in the context of the labour shortage, is the amendment of the legislation to increase the number of weekly hours worked by foreign students on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, as there is both demand and supply, concluded FIA Executive Director.
The recording of the meeting is available here: https://www.privesc.eu/Arhiva/100655/Sedinta-Comisiei-nationale-pentru-consultari-si-negocieri-colective-din-3-octombrie-2022?fbclid=IwAR21BmJpqJPQE7qJMrk6kBUpa85YmWD9_avoLahm9VyOhWb5ErPaZW0T-4U
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