A new meeting of the Working Group of the State Commission for the Regulation of Entrepreneurship was held on 11 July 2023.
According to the Agenda, following subjects were analyzed:
✅ Draft GD on the approval of the draft Code of Urban Planning and Construction.
Author: Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development
✅ The regulatory impact analysis of the draft GD on the approval of the draft law for the amendment of the Law no. 107/2016 on electricity.
Author: Ministry of Energy
✅ Draft GD on the approval of quality requirements for fish and fish products.
Author: Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry
✅ Draft GD on the approval of the draft law on genetically modified food products and animal feed.
Author: Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry
✅ The regulatory impact analysis of the draft GD on the approval of the Methodology for the calculation of tariffs, Nomenclature of services and tariffs for services provided by the Agency for Geology and Mineral Resources.
Author: Ministry of Environment
✅ Draft GD on the approval of the draft law amending some normative acts (management of agricultural land with the use of pastures and meadows and ensuring the operation of centralized irrigation systems transferred on loan).
Author: Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry