On August 14th, FIA executive director, Mrs. Ana Groza, participated at the meeting on the platform of the Economic Council to the Prime-minister, organized at the request of the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure.
The scope was to discuss practical implementation of the Regulation on the border-crossing mode of goods subject to control by the National Agency for Food Safety (Government Decision No. 938/2018) and to share impediments business community is facing with in this process.
Among the raised issues by the participants, there were mentioned control procedures (risk analysis, lack of a risk assessment mechanism, etc.), the procedures for taking the samples (lack of a sampling act, lack of the document with the results of the control, lack of a transparent mechanism of sampling, etc.), the difficult registration procedures in TRACES system, as well as the notification in the system, etc.
Aa a result, Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure representatives proposed to organize next week technical meeting with all relevant stakeholders in order to improve the Regulation, taking in consideration the proposals and solutions presented by the participants.