The event “Accelerating Economic Development by Supporting Women Entrepreneurship”, organized by UN Women Moldova in partnership with the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitization of the Republic of Moldova took place on 28 June.
Both challenges/barriers and the importance of continuous and integrated support for women starting or running businesses in Moldova were discussed.
Ana Groza, FIA Executive Director, highlighted the measures for female entrepreneurship support provided by the foreign investors, as well as the importance of promoting gender equality at work, policies widely implemented within FIA member companies.
The event registration is available here: https://www.privesc.eu/Arhiva/103069/Evenimentul–Accelerarea-dezvoltarii-economice-prin-sprijinirea-antreprenoriatului-feminin—organizat-de-UN-Women-in-parteneriat-cu-Ministerul-Dezvol?fbclid=IwAR2xZD4tmoE5vuDkpol6NizudydAKb3ZJG75nPpTMJeNC0qboWMtDKLgLhg