Money Road for Students – OTP Bank, OK Foundation

Money Road for Students – OTP Bank, OK Foundation

Together with the students of the 10th and 11th grades of the “Mihai Eminescu” Theoretical High School in Sipoteni and the trainers of the OK Foundation for Financial Education, we took a trip on the “Money Road”, the campaign marking the 30th anniversary of the inauguration of the national currency.
Young people were curious to learn about career opportunities at OTP Bank, with the marketing and financial analysis departments enjoying particular interest. We heard business ideas (dropshipping), digital product ideas (options to invest in the financial market) and suggestions for internet banking functionality (over-spend alerts).
At the end of the event, the students invited the trainers of the “OK” Foundation to Sipoteni to continue the debate on the most profitable investments. We look forward to the results.
#30NationalMoney National Bank of Moldova