Health lesson for school students – Medpark Foundation

Health lesson for school students – Medpark Foundation

🔔 The Medical Imaging Center, Laboratory Medicine Center and Sterilization Department were highlights for a group of 5th graders who came on a field trip to Medpark.
During the visit to these centers, students from the “Nicolae Milescu-Spătaru” Theoretical High School in Chisinau had the opportunity to visualize the 3D projection of the human body, test the magnetic field of the MRI machine and see the sterilization process of instruments for various medical interventions.
The children went on a tour of the hospital after a health lesson given by paediatrician Vera Rusanovscaia. Here, the little explorers discussed the importance of hand washing, nasal hygiene and many other interesting facts about the human body.
🤓 The students were surprised to learn that their necks are made up of just as many bones as the giraffe’s neck, only the giraffe’s vertebrae are much longer. Not to be left out of the lesson was the skeleton, with the help of which Dr Rusanovscaia told the students about the strongest and longest bone, which turned out to be the femur.