A technical meeting for the discussion of the draft legislative initiative for digitization of certain aspects of the notarial activities took place on 16 December, on the platform of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova.
The draft provides a number of amendments, which aim to:
✅ Establishment of the legal regime of the electronic notarial deed and the particularities of the electronic notarial activity.
✅ Requirements for the authorization and registration of notaries who will carry out the electronic notarial activity.
✅ Rules of procedure and requirements for remote communication between notaries and signatories of notarial deeds by electronic means of communication.
✅ Circulation of electronic documents along with paper documents in the notarial procedure and activity.
✅ Simplification of the manner of concluding legal acts translating rights over real estate between legal persons (private or public law), by establishing the authentic form as an optional one, if the contracted parties are legal persons and if the act / contract is an electronic document and is signed with an advanced electronic signature qualified by all parties.
✅ Extensive use of the electronically signed power of attorney (PoA), according to the Unique Registrer (MPower) of powers of attorney based on qualified electronic signature by equating the powers in question with a number of categories of authenticated power of attorney.
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