Thursday 12 December, 2024
Start: Wednesday 11 December, 2024 -
Yesterday, 11 December 2024, Mrs. Ana Groza, Executive Director of the Foreign Investors Association in Moldova (FIA), participated in the Statutory Meeting of the EESC Liaison Group with European Civil Society Organizations, followed by the 20th Anniversary Celebration of the Liaison Group, held in Brussels, Belgium .
The event provided a valuable platform to discuss the challenges and advancements made by the Moldovan business community in promoting and enhancing the value of foreign investment . It also highlighted Moldova’s progress towards fostering a more inclusive and investment-friendly environment .
In addition, the occasion offered a unique opportunity to learn from the experiences of other European civil society leaders, further strengthening the dialogue and connections between governance, the business community, and civil society .
Proud to be Moldova’s advocates for sustainable growth and international partnerships .