On 7th of April, FIA representatives and officials of the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment met in a joint meeting to discuss the topic of local food products from the short food chain, displayed on the shelves of retail store chains, according to the Law 📜 on internal trade.
The participants in the meeting motivated the need for 51% of local products to be placed on the shelves and requested the list to be supplemented with more alcoholic, soft alcohol products and local wines 🍺🍷.
“We believe that providing at least 51% of the linear length of the shelf for local products is an action in support of local producers and will allow the popularization of local consumption,” said FIA’s Vice President Gokce Yanasmayan during the discussions.
❗ During the dialogue, the MADRM representatives communicated that following the requests, they amended, updated the list, and coordinated it with the profile Associations and sent it to the Economic Council to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, to be coordinated with the representatives of the commercial networks.
#FIAMoldova #FIAMeetings #FIAMembers