Tablets with included internet for children from vulnerable families – Moldcell

Tablets with included internet for children from vulnerable families – Moldcell

On the anniversary of 2 years of activity, Moldcell Foundation launched a charity campaign to ensure access to technology through the purchase of digital equipment for children with limited financial possibilities.
In December 2022, every Moldcell subscriber, individual person, has the opportunity to donate 40 lei through an SMS with any text to the short number 4040.
The amount collected from subscribers will be doubled by the Moldcell Foundation and directed towards the purchase of tablets with included internet traffic for children in the care of parental assistants or children from socially vulnerable families.
We firmly believe that all children should have equal access to technology to fulfil their dreams and pursue their passions.
The project is carried out by the Moldcell Foundation with the support of the non-governmental organisation Child Community Family.
Moldcell Foundation supports and implements social, educational, business, innovation and research projects for the benefit of citizens and for the development of the country, guided by the Pillars of Digital Responsibility: Education, Support and Investment in Social Business, Society and Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals.