“From the heart, for the heart” project continues – Medpark Foundation
“From the heart, for the heart” project continues. In July, another three doctors from different regions of the country benefited from free medical tests and doctor’s consultations.
The aim of this project is to prevent and manage cardiovascular disease, which is one of the leading causes of death worldwide.
What does the ‘From the heart, for the heart’ project include?
✔Specific laboratory tests (haemolucogram, lipidogram, ALAT, ASAT, glucose and creatinine);
✔assessment of the functional status of the heart by EKG and echocardiography;
✔cardiological examination by specific investigations (holter, stress test) as needed;
✔consultation of the cardiologist.
Who can apply?
Medpark Foundation invites employees in the medical sector (doctors and nurses) who are at retirement age to apply to the project “From the heart, for the heart”.
For details about the project, please visit the link➡https://www.fundatiamedpark.md/ro/din-inima-pentru-inima-?fbclid=IwAR3bWPjj4Zwd7GzWwY_q3xR0i8fIdQciqjmEHyyWiGAOELAzc7vJpV8ka8Q