“Donate blood – save a life!” campaign – SEBN MD
“Donate blood – save a life!” campaign
June has been declared ,,Health Month at SEBN MD”. During this month, several thematic activities took place in the company. One of the planned activities was the blood donation campaign entitled “Donate blood – save a life!”, which was held in both locations of SEBN MD.
SEBN MD employees responded enthusiastically to the call to participate as voluntary donors in the campaign. Some employees proved to be active donors, others donated for the first time. All of them were pleased to have made a personal contribution to support those in need, saying that participating in the campaign gave them great moral satisfaction and a deep sense of pride.
The representatives of the medical institutions thanked the company’s management for their cooperation and responsiveness, as well as the company’s employees for their openness and involvement, noting that the blood collected will contribute significantly to the institution’s necessary stock. According to them, the stock was supplemented with 52 blood bags of 450 ml each (35 in Orhei and 17 in Straseni).
Voluntary blood donation is a great act of social responsibility, both towards the community and towards fellow human beings. We encourage all company employees to show initiative, solidarity, empathy and active participation in social campaigns initiated in the factory or in the community.