FIA is member of the WG created through a PM’s provision Nr. 145-d from 3th of November 2016. The first objective of the WG is to draft a set of urgent amendments to the Labor Code. The second objective is to draft by the end of 2017 a completely new Labor Code.
The Working Group drafted a set of proposals that represent the common priorities for the members of the above mentioned Working Group.
The first set of amendments and discussions concentrated on the provisions linked to the employees dismissal (adding new provisions and ground for the interruption of the working contract, defining what is serious breach (“incalcare grava”) and providing a non-comprehensive list of situations that would fall under this provision, etc.), excluding the need for Trade Union’s approval in a number of cases, etc.
FIA has permanently pointed out the necessity to have a modernized Labor Code – as a precondition for a more efficient and competitive economy. The importance of this subject for FIA is confirmed also by the fact that the largest chapter of the White Book (WB) was dedicated to the labor regulations.
On 23rd of December, took place a subsequent meeting of the WG on Labor Code. The members of the WG shall discuss their recommendations and proposals within the WG. Consequently, an opinion might be asked from the International Labor Organization (ILO).