The Parliament has adopted a series of amendments to the Labor Code of the Republic of Moldova at the last plenary sitting of the spring session of this year.
The amendments were drafted following the initiative of the business community, discussed between the major stakeholders: the National Confederation of the Employers (CNPM), National Trade Union Confederation, the Ministry of Labor, Social protection and Family and others.
The 36 amended articles refer to the regulation of the basic obligations of the employee to immediately inform the employer of the impossibility to come to work, which will lead to the empowering and disciplining the employees; the regulation of the additional unpaid parental leave of the 3 to 4 year old child, until now, it was up to 6 years old, etc. At the same time, the Labor Code was completed with a new article defining the serious violation of the labor obligations.
According to the authors, the purpose of the amendments is to improve the business environment and the investment climate in the country.