On November 2, 2017, FIA representative participated at a meeting organized by the Economic Council to the Prime Minister, related to launching of the 6th working group called “Labour market development”. At the meeting, the participants debated the concept of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection related to the creation of the Labor Market Observatory, mentioning that there is a strong need for a labor market observatory, to unify efforts, human and financial resources, analytical capacities that will help in gathering information regarding the labor market. The Labor Market Observatory will provide systematized labor market information to support decision-makers and relevant labor market stakeholders in the process of making informed decisions. At the end of the meeting, the Working Group members agreed upon the creation of the Labor Market Observatory. In addition, the members came up with a number of issues to be discussed at the following meetings, such as: qualifications national framework, continuing training concept, professional orientation and the need to develop the training plan for specialists funded by the state budget, drafting the apprenticeship law, etc.
Tuesday 07 November, 2017
Start: Thursday 02 November, 2017 - 13.30